
three dry cleaning certification logos, one for certified environmental drycleaner, one for certified professional wetcleaner, and one for certified professional drycleaner
a green outline of an iron symbol on top of a yellow circle
Dry Cleaning

Quality care

a green outline of a laundry basket with folded clothes symbol on top of a yellow circle
Household Items

Comforters, drapes, tablecloths

a green outline of a washing machine symbol on top of a yellow circle
Laundry Services

By the pound and individual items

Specialty Services

Delicate specialty items

a green outline of a pair of pants symbol on top of a yellow circle

Large and small fixes

Enjoy the Convenience of Delivery!

Alexander Reed Cleaners offers free pick up and delivery service to your home or office. Service runs two days a week and trips to the dry cleaner are only as far as your front door. Fill out the contact form below to find out when we are in your area or to schedule your first pick up.

Why Choose Alexander Reed Cleaners?

Effective and Thorough Cleaning Methods

From every day wear, to designer business suits, to formal gowns, Alexander Reed Cleaners will do the job right. We’re dedicated to providing you with the very best laundry and dry cleaning services in the industry.

Our Staff Is Courteous And Professional

We provide high quality garment care, guaranteed satisfaction, and
professional, friendly customer service – all at a fair price.

We Can Save You Time

We realize everyone is busy, so why hassle with going back and forth to the dry cleaners when we can handle that for you. We pick up and deliver to your home or office. You save time and money!

Quality St. Louis Dry Cleaners With Fair Prices